Friday, June 23, 2006

if tomorrow never comes...

thats one of teh lines of the song i love...

what the song has to say is surely worth a thought.......
you have a fight with some one you love..ego n pride ride strong...both have their stands to take n too much has affected them to be stable again....not so soon atleast...both have a common thought though that there is always that tomorrow...the day for reconcilliation after all the initial drama has settled down.....
but,wait a minute.....what if....the much awaited tomorrow doesnt exist doesnt come at all...its not a impossible happening all of us know that yet we chose to ignore...its strange given a thought that if we knew today was the last day we had we would have been all over the place writting love notes to everyone we ever met...n forgiving people we thought we could never forgive..but when its unseen so many things remain.....unfinished.....
imagine you love someone a lot and somehome never got the chance to sat sorry...can you live with the guilt for the rest of your life??can u live at all???,that would sound more appropriate.....
there is this great dialogue in a movie i love "foresst gump".......i may not be smart but i know what love says it all...when you are in love i think you have to go beyond just what your mind can comprehend....its not about roses n butterflies always...there wil be compromises to be made...thnigs to be understood without words.....sadly most of us are so busy just comprehending the visible signs that we forget how important this thing is to our know whats the most beautiful thing about being in love is that you can be just yourself...say whatever you want n still eb confdent that though not immediately you will be understod n loved inspite of nething...

but sadly mosty of us are just too busy waiting for that one tomorrow to make things ok for us...and sometimes waiting fo rit we losty the most important thing of all...the today....the chance that we have now i guess just gets lost smewhere between.."m too sad to say nething" ...and "thers always a tomorrow"...

but for all we know ther might not be a tomorrow.....
"so tell some one that you love just what you're thinking now..if tomorrow never comes!!"


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