Thursday, June 15, 2006

missing someone...

i read it somewhere ...."somemtimes you miss someone so much that you feel like picking them out of your thouhght s n hugging them"....yeah somehow it makes sense now.....
i never knew this side of m own personality...i always thought that no matter what, i can always make it alone...i was so prepared for that...make through everything....things i need to know i shall lear...kinda like that song you know..."i used to think,i had the answers to everything...but nbow i know life doesnt always go m way"......
never knew when i made a transition from being i care a damn bout what u do to ....hey dont do that it mite hurt you n i care.....
guess somepeople do have that something within them that changes a lot of things around you....
the way you ..... n the most important of all LIVE.....
i always thought missing someone was one over exagerated emotion....but now i know..its just painfull.....
but then again..may be its just a part of growing up....maybe someone upthere wanted us to know what it is to be loneley.....
n everyone should atleast onece miss someone dearly to know how it feels...that i guess gives u a fuller experiece on life...
to love someone so dearly n miss them...
to sit in front of the tv n wonder whhen they r goin to be back.....
to run to get that phone ringing...expecting that just may be its a call from them when you know at the back of your mind...that not possible!!!
goin through your daily chroes n missing them when you look at those small things n the laugh you had...
well.....but after all missing someoen is just beautifull when the other person returns n you come to know that you have been missed the exact same way...
yeah thats some life not everyone is lucky enough to have....
well this is to m most dearest friend who i will miss like hell....
not a day goes bye when i dont share m day with imm....n suddenly there is goin to be lot of silenece i know not for many days but .......
welll....i guess i just have to give a smiling good bye n a pray for a quick n safe return.....


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